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8월, 2014의 게시물 표시

ssh remote forwarding auto reconnect / ssh remote tunneling auto reconnect

ssh remote forwarding auto reconnect Hardware Box  ============================= serverA  : with public ip serverB  : inner firewall prepare : ssh , autossh (ServerB) 1. ServerB # cd ~  go home directory # ssh - keygen -t rsa    no passphrase (not that secure, but easy to setup)  you should now have the key pair in the . ssh directory (id_rsa & id_rsa.pub) # cp ~/. ssh /id_rsa.pub ~/. ssh /authorized_key_serverB  make a copy of your public key with the name 'authorized_key' # scp ~/. ssh /authorized_key_serverB <remote user>@<ServerA's ipaddress >:'/<user's home dir >/. ssh /'  copy authorized_key to ServerA 2. ServerA #cat ~/. ssh /authorized_key_serverB >> ~/. ssh /authorized_keys 3. ServerB # autossh -i ~/. ssh /id_rsa -L 1234: localhost :6667 <remote user>@<ServerA's ipaddress > << ssh forwarding # autossh...

mobile devices css performance useful links

1.  http://www.html5rocks.com/en/mobile/optimization-and-performance/ 2.  http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8126766/css3-performance-on-mobile-device Edit: I've made this answer assuming you're animating with CSS3 transitions. If you aren't, and you can, you could possibly expect improved performance... It's worth a shot. The issue here appears to be that webkit has to repaint two really heavy box-shadows. This doesn't seem like a big task, but if you removed the inset box-shadow to start with, I imagine you'd see a surprising performance jump up. I've experienced boggy scrolling on my android device (Webkit based browser) and did this testing to determine what the issue was. Text-shadow was somewhat irrelevant in UI type settings. Gradients were also pretty inconsequential. Once I hit box-shadow, I noticed an almost linear progression in performance as I removed the blur radius pixel by pixel. For example, a 6px radius may have taken 80ms to re...

iscroll galaxy s performace issue

using iscroll in android 2.3.2 1.try translateZ(0);  .listview, .listview * {translateZ(0);} Instead, if, say, your list is made of LIs: .listview li {translateZ(0);} 2. remove * in css rules 3. remove rounded corner.  According to #6, this is maybe wrong. It seems that a list of items is very slow regardless of the amount of list items So, knowing this, I worked on the assumption that there were some rendering kinks. Firstly, I removed the rounded corners, which didn't do anything for performance. Then I started removing the box-shadow and text-shadow. After applying some overrides, performance is now good. It's not great, but it's at least usable. Everything seems to run more smoothly, even transitions. I'd say that removing shadows gave me a performance boost of at least 100%. Which to me makes it worth it (even though it looks a little less nice). 4. text-shadow none  ??? According to #6, this is maybe wrong.  Copy code * { ...

angularjs ng-repeat pagination example link

app . controller ( "PaginationCtrl" , function ( $scope , Item ) { $scope . itemsPerPage = 5 ; $scope . currentPage = 0 ; $scope . total = Item . total ( ) ; $scope . pagedItems = Item . get ( $scope . currentPage * $scope . itemsPerPage , $scope . itemsPerPage ) ; $scope . loadMore = function ( ) { $scope . currentPage ++ ; var newItems = Item . get ( $scope . currentPage * $scope . itemsPerPage , $scope . itemsPerPage ) ; $scope . pagedItems = $scope . pagedItems . concat ( newItems ) ; } ; $scope . nextPageDisabledClass = function ( ) { return $scope . currentPage === $scope . pageCount ( ) - 1 ? "disabled" : "" ; } ; $scope . pageCount = function ( ) { return Math . ceil ( $scope . total / $scope . itemsPerPage ) ; } ; } ) ; http://fdietz.github.io/recipes-with-angular-js/common-user-interface-patterns/paginating-using-infinite-results.html